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发表时间:2018-01-31 11:41:03   热度:
  But only when you begin to believe in yourself, do you have a real life.
  One day you'll swallow a flash of lightning and thunder and lightning!
  If you are willing to withstand the test of all, to get what you want, who have the right to stop you, perhaps some of you do not complete, some of the things you want to do, some things you did not explain the, you are rejected, even in you after trying hard, who has the right to deny you? Who? Nobody! Listen to your heart's right, no one 's right to say no. After you win your rights, you can be what you want to be when you do what you want to do, I'm older and I'll be left with more things, this is life.
  What is important is not how heavy you are, but how you can get multiple punches and not fall, take everything and keep moving forward so that you can win!
  Let me tell you one thing, if not you, I may not be alive today, you are here and all the performance to me, why do you call it? Living motivation? Because I think people don't want to live and die, natural than people think was smart and we gradually loses a friend, lose everything, we continue to lose, until we say, I'm alive what is for what? Reason I no longer live, but with you, children, I have a reason, I will live on, I want to look at you get ahead, I will never leave you, until you succeed one day, because when I left you, you not only know how to fight, you can at this real world take care of yourself, you know?
  You won't believe this. But you are so big, I hold you up to your mother said: this child will become the world's best child, this child will become the greatest person in history, you grow up, good and wonderful. Watching you grow up, every day is grace. Then you begin to be self reliant and walk into the world, you do it. But at some point, you change, you are no longer to be yourself, you allow others to point to your face and say you're not good. Sad day, you start to look for something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you a piece of what you already know. The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. This is a very mean and nasty place. I no matter how hard you are, as long as you allow, it will permanently put you down on the ground. You, me, no one, can play a heavier - than - life, but an important and you can not play multiple, but you can endure multiple, and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning! If you know what you're worth, go for it.