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发表时间:2017-11-23 13:44:13   热度:
  My darling, I'm waiting for you.How long is a day in the dark?Or a week?The fire is gone now,and I'm horribly cold.I really ought to drag myself outside,but then there'd be the sun.I'm afraid I waste the lighton the paintings and on writing these words.We die.We die rich with lovers and tribes,tastes we have swallowed,bodys we have entered…and swum up like rivers.and swum up like rivers.Fears we've hidden in,like this wreched cave.I want all this marked on my body.We are the real countries.Not the boundaries drawn on maps,the names of powerful men.I know you'll come and carry me out into the palace of winds.That's all I've wanted,to walk in such a place with you,with friendsan earth without maps.The lamp's gone out,and I'm writing…in the darkness.
  亲爱的,我在等你。不见天日的一天会有多长?一周呢?火熄灭了,我觉得寒风刺骨,我真想拖着病体到外面去,外面阳光普照。我很抱歉我将电筒里的电都浪费在了看这些画,还有给你写信上我们都会死,我们与爱人、家族一同魂归天国,我们嘴里都有对方的味道,我们曾经灵欲合一…在爱河里畅游。内心的恐惧,像这幽暗的山洞。我要把这些永远铭刻在身体上。我们的国家是实在的。不是画在地图上的边界,被用强人的姓名命名。我知道你会回来 把我抱起迎风屹立。我已别无所求,只想跟着你漫步天国,与朋友们一同去一个没有地图的乐土。油尽灯枯了,我在黑暗中,默默写着…Dear Sweetheart, You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life. My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovialways. Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile. You taught me how to love again, you taught me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing. You taught me to go the extra mile. And though there are miles between us, I never stop thinking of you, you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever yours. I can never forget you, or keep thoughts of you out of my mind. I think of your sweet lips and kisses, feel them as if it was yesterday. Thoughts of you warm my heart. You complete me, you are everything my heart desire. Loving You Always, Judy.