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发表时间:2017-12-01 15:38:41   热度:
  One thousand brilliant sunshine can dispel the darkness of Afghanistan smoke, only love can let us see this brilliant Qianyang.
  The most cruel scene is the most poetic expression, the extreme pain makes the lacrimal gland instantly numb, but produce a strange almost addicted dizzy.
  There was no fear of running away with them. From the beginning, I knew it was destined to be like this. This clear, desperate feeling is where growth is repugnant, and disgust.
  Behind every dusty face there is a soul.
  In here, Nana will always reveal a significant smile, as to whether it is still more than ruthless blame, or the heart has not forgive Gandhi, Maryam did not tell.
  There is nothing more painful than mere waiting in all the hardships that one must face.
  Just as the compass always points to the north, the man's finger is always pointing at the woman.
  However, and Tariq stood in the sun, feel as if these years what has happened suddenly riera. Her parents died, and Hillard's marriage, killing, rockets, Taliban, beaten, hunger, and even her two children, all of which seems like a dream.
  Love is the mistake and it covered all over with cuts and bruises, accomplice, hope, it is a fantasy too late to regret.
  Time is the most unforgivable fire.
  Riera remember mother once said to his father, said she was married to a man without faith. Mother didn't understand, she didn't understand, in fact, she was the most unshakable belief in his life.
  She will never be in the mother's soul left two brothers has given its branded imprint, because mother's heart is like a pale grey sand, sad waves rushed, shattered, rushed, shattered forever Riera footprints washed no traces.
  The girl's name, especially such a beautiful girl like you name, Riera, is subtle. It's like a bird in the hand. You let go, it flew away.
  He is in charge of the world. He is the master of all things. He created life and death, and his test is your glory.
  She told herself that they would eventually be involved.
  It's hard to see how many bright moons there are on her roof, and the one thousand brilliant suns behind her walls.
  I hear the corridor ticking and ticking. And then I think, there are so many seconds, so many minutes, so many days, so many weeks, so many months, so many years waiting for me. And none of them will have it all these days.
  In that week, Leila began to believe in all the hardships must face a person, not what is more painful than simply wait for the.
  Life is like this. After heartbreak, we have to put up with grief again and again.
  Time is like Tariq's father sometimes used to old songs to the accompaniment of the accordion to push, stretching and contraction, depending on Tariq in her side.
  Perhaps this is the man's punishment, let him wait until everything is irretrievable only see light suddenly.
  She was glad she was wearing the burqa, glad to see Aziza Buka after she has broken up.
  But, most importantly, Maria M is in my heart there, Lila, she gave one thousand sun bright light.
  Some of the past will emerge, there is no sign, followed by a stone like silent or evil like depression and violent collapse confused eyes, and suddenly sad nightmare.
  You're afraid, Nana, she might say, "you're afraid that I'll get the happiness you never had, and you don't want me to be happy.". You don't want me to live a good life, you are the soul of evil people.
  Have you ever seen that girl's tooth? Just like tombstone. She has a cemetery hidden in her mouth.
  I'm telling you this to make you know that fear is a normal response, and you don't have to be ashamed of it.
  But the game is only about men's names. Because, if he was a girl, she has named her.
  She decided not to hate what is the meaning of it become dizzy with success, like this? Maryam would say with an innocent and witty smile, "what's the use of that?" Can only live, with hope!
  Nana said, just like the compass always points to the north, the man blames the finger always pointing to the woman.
  Life is like this. After heartbreak, we have to put up with grief again and again. I'm not scared, I believe that when that moment comes, I'll be happy to leave.
  Men treat friendship, just like the sun, its existence is beyond doubt. Its light is best to enjoy, not look directly at.
  A wave of unspeakable darkness, like the wind blowing through the willow beside the mud house, kept blowing Maryam.
  Every snowflake is the sigh of a sorrowful woman in the human world.
  Riera know their quarrel: mother domineering, and roar unceasingly; he's really not letting this go, dad sitting, a gentle look confused, nods, waiting for the storm in the past.
  The unforgivable times, the impossible friendship, the indestructible love. Behind every dusty face there is a soul.
  But where do I belong? Now what should I do? I'm everything you've got in the world, Maria M. If I go, you'll have nothing. You will have nothing. You're nothing.
  Leila has put aside all all the old and recent grudges. Because she finally knew it was the only thing she could do. She can only live. With hope.
  The Holy Koran forbids people to drink. Because of drunk crime is always a sober person to repay.
  She finally realized that the boy with friendship, just like they treat the sun: it's no doubt exists, it is best to enjoy the light, not to open.
  People can sleep even if bitten by a venomous snake, but they can't sleep when they are hungry.
  If a society's women are not educated, then there is no possibility of progress in this society.
  Time has blunted the edges of those sharp memories. As time goes on, she will gradually get tired of this behavior. She will understand that summoning long dead memories, dusting off the dust on it and making it reappear is an increasingly exhausting thing.